Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Why Every Man Should Know How To Sew.

The way our world seems to work now(aside from maybe cars) is that once something gets a little worn out or broken we throw it away and just buy a replacement. This could not be truer in the case of clothing.

Sewing and repairing clothes goes right the way back to the stone age. Sewing up clothing with bits of animal sinew.
Even in this time and age it is important to practise and use the skill of sewing and repair. 
I have a old pair of jeans that has been in my possession for a good 3-4 years and they are, I suppose, shabby. They have big holes in the knees and lots of parts are beginning to fray. But they were not cheap when I bought them. They were hand made Japanese denim, and I refuse to throw them away.

I have resewed the pocket twice, does several small stitches on cuts on the legs and (poorly) attempted to so up the bum.

Big cut I know.
Now many men(wrongly) believe that sewing is a job for women(that is not something I agree with). This goes back to when women stayed at home and cleaned, cooked, and did knitting. But you should never rely on someone to do something for you all the time. Sewing should not only be recognised as a manly thing(or not gender specific) but also a practical important skill.

I'm not talking about learning 17 different stitches and 4 different ways to achieve each with 5 different types of needle. Just any simple stitch that is effective in keeping the damage from opening(I'd suggest doubling up the thread). It does not have to be pretty, only functional, if you are able to sew things up, your clothes and shoes will last a lot longer saving you money and time(also lets be honest here, everyone loves a practical man).

I have a pair of sheepskin boots that had torn all the way down the right side. Because it was just sheepskin(or suede whatever you want to call it) I could sew it up really easily and it has continued for 2 years since and still going strong. 
You should always have a needle and thread even if it's just for sewing a button back onto your shirt while your out. Be secure in your masculinity, it doesn't matter if you can sew. You'll be able to fix your jacket while dim, sexist men have to go buy a whole new one.


Follow my Twitter: @strollingmen

And my Instagram: @strollingmenblog


- Start Being Practical -

- Louis -

Saturday, 5 September 2015

How To Survive A Job Interview.

Everyone has to have a job interview at least once in their life and they are not always a pleasant experience. There is lots of stress that comes before, during, and after.

This guide SHOULD help to make any interview you have a bit easier and reduce some of the stress that you feel around it.

Firstly your clothes are SUPER important. You cannot go to an interview half dressed because, however sad it may be, we make up our mind about a person, typically, within the first 7 seconds of meeting them and most of this decision is based on the way they look. Obviously that opinion can be changed, but in an interview it's important to start with a good impression.

The few most important things are:

Make sure you are either clean shaven or that whatever kind of facial hair you do have is neatly trimmed.

Make sure your hair is clean and tidy.

Your nails have recently been cut.

Whatever you wear make sure it is washed, ironed and matches well(so don't wear a navy pair of trousers with a grey blazer).

Make sure all of your clothes fit(seriously if your ankles are sticking out under your trousers it WON'T look good).

Clean whatever smart shoes you're wearing and check they aren't scuffed up.

For your clothes it goes down as pure common sense. Don't look like a scruff and remember it is much better to be over dressed than under.

Next is the first 7 seconds. 
When you come in you need to make sure your body language is right. No hands in pockets or anything that folds yourself inwards. Enter with you chest out, your head held up, and for the love of god SMILE. 
If you come in looking like a wet blanket no one is going to be interested in talking to you.
Make friendly acknowledged eye contact with all of the people in the room greet them in a clear happy voice.

Now your sat down and the interview is underway one key thing that is very easy to remember is DON'T LIE. If they ask you a question don't 'bend the truth' because it will come out and you will turned away immediately. 

Maintain regular eye contact and keep smiling. Have open body language and remain relaxed. Chat and talk without fear, they are just people and if you are a nervous wreck it will not do you any favours.

Ask any questions you have about the job, interviewers like people who can think on their feet and are able to work under pressure and find out more information. 

Up until the very second you leave the room remain as friendly and positive as possible, shake every persons hand(try to sneakily wipe your hands if they are clammy) and leave having tried to leave the best impression possible.

Post interview you must not sit around wondering if you have the job or not. Once you leave the room there is nothing you can do what so ever to increase your chances of getting it, worry will get you no where other than stress you out. So relax, safe in the knowledge you did your best.

I hope this guide will help you on your way to getting a job and just remember to just be friendly, confident and happy.


Follow my Twitter: @strollingmen

And my Instagram: @strollingmenblog

- Stay Happy And Relaxed -

- Louis -